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Why bother to post your advertisements on the bulletin boards when you can advertise here for a nominal fee. If you are interested in sponsoring or advertising, please review the fee structure defined below.
Sponsorships: Do you have a business you’d like to market on your community website? Are you a Realtor, Dentist, Doctor, or some other service provider? For a fee of $25 per month, your business card will be included in a banner advertisement (234×60) in the top of our website and an up to 150 word description of your business/service on the Sponsor Advertisement page. To apply for a sponsorship, Click Here to submit the form request. To view our Sponsors advertisements, click this link.
Classified Ad: Do you have a car, furniture, etc. For Sale? A housekeeper service to recommend? For a fee of $10 for a maximum 100 word ad to run for a 2 week period–you can sell those items. For an additional $5, you can submit a picture of the item as well! Click Here to submit an advertisement request.
Real Estate Ad: Want to really market your home for sale or lease! What a great place to do so. For a fee of $50, your 200 word ad, together with a floor plan and picture will run for 30 days. If you choose not to include the floor plan or picture, the fee is $35. Send us an email to submit a real estate ad request.